Cryptocurrency is a digital currency designed to work as a medium of exchange that uses strong cryptography to secure financial transactions, control the creation of additional units and verify the transfer of assets. Cryptocurrencies use decentralized control which means that there is no central authority to issue new currency and verify transactions. Instead, cryptocurrencies utilize a “blockchain” which is a public distributed ledger that records all transactions. It’s important to note, however, that cryptocurrencies are not the only application of blockchain technology. Blockchain can be used for several different purposes other than exchanging digital coins.
Passive Income With Cryptocurrency
Investing in cryptocurrency through market exchanges like isn’t just about acquiring new assets, it’s also about earning passive income. By definition, “passive income” is money that automatically arrives in the investor’s bank account while requiring little to no involvement once it’s there.
1. Lending

One of the best ways to earn passive income with crypto is to lend. It is fairly easy to find a P2P (peer-to-peer) lending service that allows users to lock their cash in order to get an interest payment later on. Sometimes, the interest rate is variable and sometimes it is fixed, it all depends on the platform you use and the current market rates.
Platforms that offer margin trading usually have this option available. Those who are in for the long-term should really think about this type of investment since it requires minimal effort and can really grow the user’s portfolio.
The problem with this strategy is that it requires a decent amount of capital to work. If an investor wants $500 for example, they must look for loans or offers that sum up to that number. If the platform’s interest rate is 12% and the time frame is one year, then you will get back $624 at the end of the term.
A safer option would be to lend out small amounts; let’s say $50. This way, there won’t be as much room for loss as lending higher amounts like $1,000 or more (although those offers exist as well).
2. Short-term trading

This is another way to generate income with cryptocurrencies. It requires a bit of experience, but it actually allows you to trade without having the actual assets in your possession. This type of trading relies on margin and is very risky since you can lose all your money if just one wrong step is taken. On top of that, it is usually reserved for those who have enough experience and even clients with a minimum capital requirement.
The safest option would be to use CFDs (contracts for differences). With this kind of instrument, users speculate on the price difference between two crypto assets and don’t need to own them or handle any risks involved in its storage or transfer. Short-term trading requires some learning; there are plenty of YouTube videos in the matter. You can find more on
3. Cloud Mining

As you probably already know, the mining process requires computational power that solves mathematical algorithms for a reward. The mining technique is probably the most popular way of producing passive income in the industry, even though it doesn’t provide a reward every single time.
A growing trend is to invest in mining via cloud mining services. You simply pay your way in and rent a percent of the hash rate of the provider. When your contract is over, you get a proportional amount back as a reward. You can find out more here: Mining is such a hot topic right now that even the government is getting involved. The state of Washington recently introduced a bill to legalize mining activities as an economic activity for those who choose to mine cryptocurrencies.
4. Affiliate Program

You can easily find crypto companies that will compensate you for enhancing the network in any type of way. This is where referrals, affiliate links, and discounts play a huge role. The goal is to find people who are willing to join, invite them through your link, and get a certain amount of currency as a reward.
If you develop a decent method for inviting people, you can make a fortune through referrals. This is, of course, easier for those with a big following on social media. However, everyone can join the affiliate program and you should take your chances.
5. Masternodes

To put it simply, a master node is a decentralized server that has different capabilities than other nodes. When we say decentralized, we refer to a server in a decentralized network. Bear in mind that you need a lot of technical knowledge and a significant upfront expenditure to be able to set up a master node.
In addition, these projects are known for being very unpredictable. This is why it is very important to do your research before deciding on this solution. The stake becomes illiquid for certain master nodes due to the holding requirement being very high.
6. Airdrops and Forks

All you need for an airdrop is an active wallet at the moment when it happens. Occasionally, exchanges produce airdrop for users, and you might be one of the lucky ones. It is important to mention that there’s no need to exchange private keys to receive an airdrop. If you notice this, you can be sure that it is a fraud.
On the other hand, a pretty simple strategy could be utilizing a hard fork. The strategy is very simple. All you have to do is to keep the split coins when the hard fork happens. You should then sell them after a period of time for huge profits.
So with all that, we hope you found this list interesting and see how multiple options can bring you profit.